We can all help make the world better, as suggested by Annie Aldrich in these verses:
Make the world a little better as you go;
And be thoughtful of the kind of seed you sow;
Try to make some pathway bright
As you strive to do the right,
Making the world a little better as you go.
Make the world a little better as you go;
You may help to soothe some fellow creature's wo;
You can make some burden light,
As you try with all your might
To make the world a little better as you go.
Make the world a little better as you go;
As you meet your brother getting to and fro,
You may lend a friendly hand,
Lift the fallen! Help them stand!
Make the world a little better as you go.
Just a few years ago my husband brought home a book called "Cradle to Cradle, Remaking the Way We Make Things," by William McDonough & Michael Braungart. My husband is a green architect at his firm and is always looking for new recycled products to share with his clients.
"What is it, I asked?"
"Just guess," he said.
I opened the volume and felt the pages. These were thin but made from something different. "Ok," he said, "I know you can't guess so I might as well tell you. This book is made from old recycled milk cartons. It is totally waterproof and will not breakdown under extreme water conditions at all."
My mind immediately began to race. I remembered something I had heard years ago from a visiting missionary doctor to our church from South Africa. "The people are desperate for Bibles in their own languages and the few they receive are so fragile," said the doctor. "What do you mean?" I asked him. "Where I have journeyed, paper can not easily survive the extreme environment of heat, mud, moisture, and insect infestations!" he said.
"Doug," I asked, "How much do you think it would cost to produce bibles in this material?"
"I don't know, but in time, someone will surely be able to do it in a cost effective manner."