Matthew Arnold had a brother-in-law, Mr. Cropper, who lived in Liverpool, and attended Sefton Park Church, where Dr. John Watson ("Ian Maclaren") ministered. Visiting Mr. Cropper, Mr. Arnold accompanied him to church on Sunday morning, which proved to be Arnold's last Sunday on earth. Dr. Watson preached on "The Shadow of the Cross"; and the congregation afterward sang the familiar hymn, "When I survey the wonderous cross." At lunch that day Mr. Arnold referred to an illustration which the preacher had drawn from the Riviera earthquake. "In one village,"said Dr. Watson, "the huge crucifix above the altar, with a part of the chancel, remained unshaken amid the ruins, and round the cross the people sheltered." "Yes," remarked Arnold in speaking of this, "the cross remains, and in speaking of this, "the cross remains, and in the straits of the soul makes its ancient appeal."