And, now, upon His journey bent,
He turned His eager face
To tread the road to Galilee,
Urged on by love and grace.

And on before Him went His fame.
'Mongst Jews both great and small,
And teaching in their synagogues,
Was glorified of all.

And He was well recieved by them--
The men of Galilee--
Who, at the feast of passover,
His miracles did see.

There was a certain nobleman,
Who in Capernaum dwelt;
Whose son was sick, and nigh to death,
And great concern he felt.

But hearing Jesus had returned
To Galilee, was glad,
And hastened to Him, to entreat
That He would heal the lad.

Then Jesus said, to try his faith,
"Unless ye wonders see
Ye will not yield your hearts to God,
Nor yet believe on me."

To this remark the nobleman
Made no direct reply;
But said : "Oh, Sir, come down with me
Before my child shall die."

Jesus responded: "Go thy way,
Thy son doth surely live;"
And the man went, nor did he doubt
The word the Lord did give.

And as he traveled to his home,
His servants came to meet,
And tell him that his son was well;
His joy was now complete.

He asked them when the child improved,
And they, in answer, said
"The seventh hour of yesterday
The burning fever fled."

That very hour, the father knew
Had Jesus said he lived;
And he, himself, and all his house,
On Christ, the Lord, believed.