There was a man, a Pharisee,
One of the chosen race,
Who, in the council of the Jews,
Maintained an honored place.

The same to Jesus came by night,
Saying, "Rabbi, well we know
Thou art from God, for no mere man
Such miracles can do."

Jesus replied, "Thou dost believe,
Yet such a faith as thine
Is naught, unless thou undergo
An inward change divine.

"Except a man be born again,
I truly say to thee,
The holy kingdom of his God
His eyes shall never see."

Then Nicodemus said, surprised,
"How can a man, when old
Become a little babe again,
Such wonders to behold?"

And Jesus answered, "Verily,
The birth of which I speak
Is by the Spirit's gracious power,
Which every one must seek.

"That which is born a little babe
Is but a fleshly frame,
But inward birth to all imparts
The Spirit's living flame.

"And, as the way the wind doth blow
Is not known by the sound,
So shalt thou feel, but not discern,
The inward change profound."

Then Nicodemus asked again,
"How can these things be so?"
Christ answered, "Dost thou rule thy race
And yet these things not know?

"I verily declare to you
The truths that are divine,
And ye recieve not in your heart
These precious words of mine.

"If I have told you earthly things
And you do not believe,
How shall you of these heavenly things,
My truthful words receive?

"And no man hath ascended up
To heaven's throne, above,
But the eternal Son of man,
Who hath come down in love.

"And as a serpent Moses raised,
Upon on upright pole,
That those who felt a poisonous bite
Might look and be made whole,

"So must the Son of man be raised--
In hate, and wrath and strife--
That whoso shall believe on Him
May have eternal life.

"For God so loved this sinful world
He gave His only Son,
That those who should believe on Him
Might find their heaven begun.

"For God sent not His Son below
The wicked to condemn :
But that, through Him, salvation might
In mercy reach to them.

"He that believes is saved from death,
But he that doubts must die;
Because he has rejected, thus,
The Son of God, most high.

"And this is what condemns their lives,
That light is shining clear,
And men love darkness lest their deeds
Of evil should appear."