Again, up to the mountain side
He went, and took His seat;
And His disciples followed Him,
And gathered round His feet.

And lifting up His eyes on them,
He raised His voice to teach,
Declaring those exalted truths
He came on earth to preach.

He told them, first, the blessedness
Of purity and grace;
And that the souls most like to God
Should see the Father's face.

Then told them of their high estate,
Their privilege sublime,
To upright stand, and shed forth light
Upon the realms of time.

And taught them of the moral law,
And of the law of love,
For heart and spirt to be kept,
All human laws above.

In simple words He framed for them
A solemn, fervent prayer,
By which they could approach to God,
And on Him cast their care.

He taught that, if their neighbors' faults
Were lovingly forgiven,
They all might claim in humble faith
The Fatherhood of Heaven.

Then charged them 'gainst the error made
From that time until now,
That men to different mastors
Allegiance can avow.

"For God," He said, "ye cannot serve,
And mammon serve beside;
In love to one and not to both,
Your spirit must abide."

He then the precious lesson taught
Of God's vast providence,
Which is our faithful gaurdian,
And our secure defence.

The little songsters of the air,
The lilies of the field,
Are fed, and clothed, from day to day,
While they no forethought yield.

And man, much better in His sight--
How little faith has he,
To doubt the providential care
That all his needs can see!

"Seek first the kingdom of your God,
His righteousness divine,
And all the stores of earthly good
Shall graciously be thine."

The Preacher then went on to charge
'Gainst judging others' sin--
Those fond of spying evil deeds,
Should with their own begin.

And they who ask, or seek, or knock,
God never will deny;
And men to other men should do
As they would be done by.

And it is wise to enter in
The narrow way and straight;
And shun the way where many go--
The wide and open gate.

Though men may openly appear
What they are not within;
Yet you shall know, if in their lives
You see the fruit of sin.

For every good and perfect tree
Doth faultless fruit bring forth;
But when you see an evil tree,
Its fruit is nothing worth.

And each tree bearing not good fruit
Into the fire is cast;
Wherefore, 'tis by their deeds ye know
The doom of all, at last.

"Not every one who says to Me;
"Lord, Lord,' shall enter heaven;
But he that does my Father's will;
And knows his sins forgiven.

"Many will say to me that day :
'I've done good in Thy Name;'
I never knew you, I will say,
I diregard your claim.

"Therefore, who hears these words of
And doth not doubt or mock,
Is like a man who wisely built
His house upon a rock.

"And the rain fell and floods came on,
And winds blew fierce and long;
But that house stood, securely firm,
On its foundation strong.

"And every one that hears my words
And disobeys, shall stand
Like to a foolish man, who built
His house upon the sand;

"And the rain fell and floods came on,
And winds blew round and round
Upon that house, and soon it fell
In ruins on the ground."