Next Sabbath, in the synagogue,
When He stood forth to teach,
The people wondered at His force,
And mighty power to preach.
And one was there within whose breast
A devil foul had sway;
Who, held in bondage most unclean,
Yet sought to praise and pray;
But, by the devil moved, cried out,
And called the Lord by name;
Declaring that he knew Him well,
And also whence He came.
Then Jesus to the devil said:
"Silence and come thou forth;"
Who came forth, hurting not the man,
But casting him to earth.
And all the people were amazed
At what they saw that day,
And said, "With power doth He speak,
And spirits vile obey."
And the news spread round the country,
And was told from place to place,
Of the wonder-working prophet,
And this miracle of grace.