Jesus spoke to the multitude,
That gathered at His feet :
"The scribes and Pharisees do sit
In Moses' sacred seat.
"Do, therefore, what they bid you do,
But follow not their way;
For they, themselves, keep not the law,
Nor do they what they say.
"For they bind heavy burdens
For other men to bear;
But will not give a helping hand
To ease another's care.
"And love the upper rooms at feasts,
And greetings in the crowd;
And the chief seats in synagogues
And titles make them proud.
"But be not ye called 'Rabbi,' for
To Christ that name is given;
And call no man father on earth;
Your Father is in heaven.
"Nor be ye masters called, for One,
Even Christ, your Master is,
And he that would be greatest, let
The servant's place be his.
"And whoso shall exalt himself
Shall be low and abased,
And he that humbles himself shall
To lofty seat be raised."