And as He spake, behold a crowd
With lanterns and with swords;
And Judas, traitor, came before,
With a kiss and guileful words.
But He who reads all hearts, and points
To what He finds amiss,
Said : "Judas, dost thou thus betray
Thy Master with a kiss?"
Then gently turning to the crowd,
He asked them : "Whom seek ye!"
They said : "Jesus of Nazareth."
He answered : "I am he."
And the armed band led Jesus
Along the city road,
Up to the high priest's palace--
Caiaphas' abode.
Meanwhile sat Peter by the fire,
Wondering how this would end,
And feeling wholly powerless
His Master to defend.
A servant, passing said to him :
"Thou with this man hast been."
But Peter in great fear replied :
"I know not what you mean."
And soon another said he had
Of Jesus' friends been one
But Peter cursed and swore that he
Had never Jesus known.
Just then the cock crew, shrill and clear.
And Jesus turned His face,
And full on Peter cast a look
Of love, reproach and grace.
Then over Peter's aching heart
Repentant anguish swept,
And he rushed out into the dawn.
And bitterly he wept.