Then came, as they were walking on ,
The wife of Zebedee,
Who said : "Lord, what I most desire
Wilt Thou grant unto me?"
He said unto her : "What wilt thou?"
She answered : "That my sons
May at Thy right and left sit down,
Thy kingdom's greatest ones."
Then Jesus to the young men said :
"Ye know not what ye ask.
To drink my cup, my baptism bear,
Would be too hard a task."
They answered :"We are strong enough.'
Then He said : "Ye shall try
To drink my cup, my babtism bear,
While grace shall strength supply.
"But to sit at my right and left
I cannot give to you;
My Father doth reserve those seats
For whom He deems them due.
"Be not such lords as Gentiles are,
And who would highest be
Let him be servant to the rest,
And take a low degree.
"E'en as the Son of Man came not
To take a lofty place,
But to be minister, and give
His life to save the race."