The following story is told of England's Queen:
When Queen Victoria was but a girl they went to instruct her in matters of court etiquette. "You are to go to hear 'the Messiah' to-morrow night, and when they sing through the oratorio and come to the hallelujah chorus, we will all rise, but you are the Queen; sit still." So when they came to the hallelujah chorus the English-men sprang to their feet and cheered, while the Queen sat; but when they came to the place where they sang, "And King of kings and Lord of lords," she rose and bowed her head. That was at the beginning of her reign.
But when she came almost to the end of her reign, and Canon Farrar was preaching on the second coming of Christ, she sent for him to enter the Queen's box, and when he came in, Her Majesty said:
"Dr. Farrar, I wish that the Savior might come while I am still upon the throne, because," she said, "I should like to take the crown of England and lay it at His feet."