by Bishop M. Simpson, D.D.
It is only for Christ to say, "Peace, be still," and all is well. He comes to dwell within us, He comes to give comfort, to be a joy. Hence, it is said, "Christ in you is the hope of glory." He is with me, the joy of my soul. When I come to die He will take me to Himself.
I was struck very much by the remark which Father Tasker made to me the other day. Many of you know him. He told me of his experience when sick. Some one asked him "what he thought of death." He said he scarcely thought of it. He just said to himself, "Jesus is the only one who has the right to me; the devil has no right to me; I don't know where to go or who ought to take me if Jesus don't, and so I left myself in the hands of Jesus and felt all at peace." If Christ dwells in our hearts there is that unison. If he loves me so much as to come and dwell within me here is safe ground for the future.
"This I do find
We two are so joined;
He'll not live in glory
And leave me behind."