Man's bodily form is made from the ground, the soul from no created thing, but from the Father of all; so that, man was mortal as to his body, he was immortal as to his mind. Complete virtue is the tree of immortal life. "Vices and crimes, rushing in through the gate of sensual pleasure, change a happy and immortal life to a wretched and mortal one." Referring to the garden of Eden, he says: "The death threatened for eating the fruit was not natural, the separation of soul and body, but penal, the sinking of the soul in the body. Death is twofold, one of man , one of soul. The death of man is the separation of the soul from the body; the death of the soul is the corruption if virtue and the assumption of vice. To me, death with the pious is preferable to life with the impious. For those so dying, deathless life delivers; but those so living, eternal death seizes." -Philo, quoted by Alger.