But this dwelling among Christian dead is not altogether fearful. These walks are toward heaven. The light of the glory beyond falls on these faintly faces. The upturned gaze pierces the heavens. It sees them in bright array, washed, calm, jubilant. It sees, and longs to be there. What is earth to that sight, song, service, society? Concord cemetery, Forest Hills, Mt. Auburn, Harmony Grove, suddenly soften their wintery aspect to spring-like beauty. The sweet fields beyond sweeten this bank of the river. Like the grand entrance to palatial grounds, they become fascinating above themselves. They allure to brighter worlds, and grow brighter in the allurement.
"Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints." Heaven is no cheap and paltry place. Its inhabitants are no weal and worthless populace. It is the Lord's garden; they are the Lord's friends. "Henceforth," He says to them, "I call ye not servants, but friends, brothers, sisters, joint heirs. My beloved, beloved forever."
Cling then to Christ, when you walk among the graves. Rejoice, when those you bear thither are His elect, whom He shall call from the four ends of heaven. Strengthen yourselves with His divine terror and truth. Recognize the awfulness of death, that you may be its only possible Victor. Accept the fact in all its horror, and the triumph in all its glory eternal. -Bishop Gilbert Haven