Home Alone is a 1990 Christmas film written and produced by John Hughes and directed by Chris Columbus. The film features Macaulay Culkin as Kevin McCallister, an eight-year-old boy who is mistakenly left behind when his family flies to Paris for their Christmas vacation. While initially relishing time by himself, he is later greeted by two house intruders. Kevin eventually manages to outwit them with a series of booby traps. The film also features Daniel Stern, Joe Pesci, Catherine O'Hara, John Heard and Roberts Blossom.
The extended McCallister family prepares to spend Christmas in France, gathering at Peter and Kate's home in Chicago the night before their flight. Eight year-old Kevin, Peter and Kate's son, finds himself the ridicule of the other children, and after getting into a fight with Buzz, his older brother, he is sent to the third floor of the house, wishing his family would disappear. When a power failure causes the McCallister's to wake up late, they accidentally leave the sleeping Kevin behind as they hastily depart to the airport. On the trans-Atlantic flight, Kate realizes that they have left Kevin behind, and once in Paris, immediately tries to book a return trip back to Chicago. While the rest of the family is set to return two days later, on Christmas, Kate manages to fly into Dallas and then Scranton, but cannot get a flight back to Chicago. She manages to hitch a ride with Gus Polinski and his polka band who are traveling to Milwaukee.
Meanwhile Kevin, waking up to find the house empty, is elated that his wish came true and enjoys doing activities that he was normally not allowed to do. However, Kevin finds himself scared by the appearance of the police, called by his parents to check on Kevin, his next door neighbor "Old Man" Marley who was rumored to have murdered his family back in 1958, and the appearance of the "Wet Bandits", Harry and Marv, who are raiding other houses along the block with their occupants away on holiday. On Christmas Eve, Kevin manages to overhear Harry and Marv discuss plans for targeting his house that night. After seeing Santa Claus and watching a local choir perform in hopes to have his family return, Kevin runs into Marley, and comes to realize that the man is quite friendly, and none of the rumors about him are true. Kevin finds Marley is estranged from his son, and suggests he reunite with him for Christmas. So that night, Kevin returns home to prepare a series of booby traps about the house. The bandits are initially fooled by Kevin's illusion that the house is occupied, but realize he is home alone, and attempt to gain entry, running into the various traps. They manage to chase Kevin out of the house, who flees to the vacated, neighboring Murphy home. The Wet Bandits manage to trap Kevin but then Marley is able to subdue the two bandits, who are later arrested by the police. After thanking Marley, Kevin returns home, leaving milk and cookies out for Santa's arrival while still wishing for his parents to return home.
Kevin wakes up the next morning to find his mother has returned after she finally arrived in Chicago. Shortly afterward, the rest of the McCallisters, having traveled directly to Chicago from Paris, arrive and the extended family celebrates Christmas together, Kevin keeping silent on his encounter with the bandits. Peter finds Harry's missing gold tooth where he was hit with a paint can the night before, wondering what it is he found on the floor. Kevin discovers Marley took his advice and watches him and his son reunite. However, Buzz angrily shouts at him, "Kevin! What did you do to my room?!", as his room had not yet been cleared up, so Kevin races away, and the film ends.