The tenor of Scripture is that if we are in tune with the divine mind, and so are receptive of the secret whispers and suggestions of the Spirit of God, then that Spirit will first inspire in us the prayers which our Heavenly Father will consistently answer.
"Every prayer is a transaction with order. You go home with a packet of seeds for your little girl, and you take her out, and say : "This little plot shall be yours. Whatever comes of this packet of seeds shall be yours." Now, what can come of a penny packet of seeds in all this infinite universe, with stars and systems whirling round? Beauty can come of it! Life can come of it! Why? Because your little gardener is transacting with older. She is dealing with law, and law will deal with her, and out of the seed she sows there shall come beauty to gladden her. When she kneels an hour or two later, and breathes forth from a pure heart a prayer to the eternal God for blessing upon herself and you, will you say, "What good can come of it?'' Good can come of where law rules, where right is triumphant. Prayer is not a dip into a lucky bag. It is dealing with eternal law." author unknown.