And as they went, He and the twelve,
Along the public road,
They entered into Bethany,
Where Martha, kind abode;

Wh hospitably welcomed Him
Into her house to rest,
Then hastened to provide for Him
Refreshments of the best.

Meanwhile her sister Mary,
Who long had wished to meet
The gracious Lord and hear His voice
Sat meekly at His feet.

But Martha, cumbered and perplexed
With anxious, household care,
And wishing for her welcome Guest
A banquet to prepare,

Entered the room where Jesus sat,
And said : "Lord, dost Thou know
My sister lets me serve alone?
Bid her some help bestow."

And Jesus answered in a tone
Of grace yet king concern,
"O, Martha, Martha, good and true,
Thou something hast to learn.

"Thou careful art, and troubled much
All good things to enjoy,
And that thy friends may feast full well
Thy time and means employ;

"And yet there's but one needful thing,
Worthy thine utmost thought,
And that good part is Mary's choice,
Which from her take thou not."