And in those days it came to pass
That Jesus--Holy One--
From Nazareth came to Jordan,
To be baptized of John.

For He had reached just thirty years,
The age the law declared
Those called into the priesthood,
For service were prepared.

But John forbade Him, saying,
"Tis I have need to be
A subject of Thy baptism,
And comest Thou to me?"

And Jesus, answering, said, to him,
"Suffer it now, for thus
To keep the law of righteousness,
It well becometh us."

Then, meekly, and with solemn awe,
Did John the Lord baptize,
And when the heavens were parted wide,
He saw, with great surprise,

As Jesus felt the water, and
With humble reverence prayed--
The Holy Ghost descending , like
A dove, upon His head.

And a voice, in tones majestic,
Came from the heavens, so bright,
Exclaiming, "This is my beloved Son,
In whom I take delight."