Then Jesus, with the Spirit filled,
And soul exalted high,
Was led from Jordan's bank into
The wilderness near by,
To be tempted of the devil--
Who in evil most delights.
There He, with wild beasts, made his home
For forty days and nights.
After this the Lord was hungry,
When the devil came, and said,
"If thou'rt the Son of God, command
These stones to be made bread."
But He answered, "It is written,
Man doth not live by bread alone,
But by each word, proceeding
From God, upon the throne."
The devil then coducts Him through
The holy city, fair,
And sets Him on the temple roof,
High in the ambient air;
And says to Him, "If so Thou be
The Son of God, indeed,
Cast thyself down from hence, and for
Thy safety take no heed;
"Since it is written, 'Unto God
In danger thou shalt flee,
For to His angel band He gives
A charge concerning thee.'"
Then Jesus unto him replied,
"Again the written word
Rebukes presumption and declares,
Thou shalt not tempt the Lord."
Again the devil takes Him up
Into a mountain--high,
And shows Him all the kingdoms of
The world, both far and nigh.
And saith unto Him, "All these things
Will I give unto thee
If Thou wilt own my princely power,
Fall down and worship me."
Then Jesus called him by his name,
"Satan," He said, "be gone,
For it is written, 'Worship pay
To Israel's God alone.'"
Then, thus repulsed, the devil fled,
Pursued his wicked way,
And angels came and ministered
Unto their Lord that day.