And now, this gracious work performed
The Lord returned again
Unto the sea of Galilee,
And through Decapolis plain.
Unto a mountain He repaired,
And sought a quiet seat;
But many sufferers followed Him,
And crowded round His feet.
The eager multitudes brought forth
The blind, and dumb, and lame,
And Jesus healed them, every one,
Who to His presence came.
And all the people glorified
The God of Israel;
And, much astonished, they exclaimed,
"He hath done all things well!"
Then the Lord sent the people home,
And, taking ship again,
Sailed with the twelve along the sea,
Unto Magdala's plain.
There Pharisees and Sadducees
Came, tempting Him, and sought
A sign from heaven that they might know
The doctrines that He taught.
But He refused to give a sign
To hypocrites so base,
And leaving them, and taking ship,
Sailed to another place.