Now Jesus tarried round these coasts
Till six days passed away;
Then He took Peter, James and John
Up in a mount to pray.

And, as he prayed, His face was changed,
And shining as the Sun;
His raiment became white as snow,
When glistening at noon.

And while He thus transfigured stood,
In His apostles' sight,
They suddenly beheld two men
Appear, with Him, in light.

'Twas Moses and Elias, who
Talked feelingly with Him
About the death He must endure
Soon at Jerusalem.

Then Peter spoke--his heart was full
Of holy love and fear:
"Lord, it is good," he said, "for us
To dwell forever here.

"Let us three tabernacles build;
The first shall be for Thee,
One be for Moses, man of God,
One for Elias be."

He spoke his heart's sincere desire,
But ere the words were said,
A bright cloud overshadowed them,
And covered every head.

And from the cloud a voice was heard,
"This is my Son beloved,
In whom I am well pleased--hear Him,
If ye would be approved!"

When the disciples heard the voice,
They fell upon their face,
O'ercome by fear and sore dismay,
In that most awful place.

And Jesus, touching each one, said:
"Arise and do not fear;"
And when they looked around they saw
No one but Jesus near.

And as they came down from the mount,
He bade them not disclose
What they had seen and heard that day,
Till from the dead He rose.

And they obeyed, and of the scene
No word to others said;
But 'mongst themselves enquired what
The rising from the dead.