Now when they reached the other side,
All fright and danger o'er,
The country of the Gadarenes
Received them to its shore.

But many steps they have not gone
To reach the city near,
When suddenly two unclad men
From 'mongst the tombs appear.

By unclean spirits sorely vexed,
No firm restraints could hold
Their demon-strengthened limbs, or keep
Their frantic souls controlled.

And in the mountains and the tombs,
With cries, both night and day,
They cut themselves, and caused such
None dared to pass that way.

But when the Lord approached, a change
Came o'er these men possessed;
One fled--the other, falling down
In worship, sore distressed,

Cried : "What have I to do with Thee,
Jesus, Thou Son of God?
Torment me not, nor banish me
To my most drear abode."

Then Jesus said : "Come out of him,
Thou unclean spirit, vile,
And let thy presence ne'er again
His tortured soul defile."

And then He asked : "What is thy name?"
"Legion," the man did say,
For many, many devils bold
Within him had held sway.

The devils, knowing they no more
In this poor man could dwell,
Imploringly besought the Lord
To drive them not to hell;

And seeing a great herd of swine
Upon the mountain side,
Begged His consendt to enter them,
With which the Lord complied.

But though there were two thousand swine
They could not fight no flee,
The legion entered them, and all
Rushed headlong in the sea.

And they that fed the swine, alarmed,
Ran hastily away,
And told in town and country round
The wonders of that day.

Then every one went out to see
What wondrous things were done
And still and calm the country lay,
And all the swine were gone.

And he who long had raged around,
A terror to mankind,
Sat peacefully at Jesus' feet,
Clothed. and of rightful mind.

And they who saw the miracle,
With eager tongue revealed
How he of legion once possessed
So suddenly was healed.

Then the whole multitude from all
The country round appear,
And beg the Lord to leave their coasts
For they were filled with fear.

Now, as the Lord took ship again,
The man thus saved from woe,
Prayed that he might be with the Christ,
Wherever He should go.

But Jesus answered : "Nay, return
To thine own house, and tell
What God hath done for the, and hence
With thine own kindred dwell."

And the man did as Jesus said,
And told to great and small
Of his most glad deliverance
From Satan's dreadful thrall.