The next day Jesus, calm and pure,
Was walking all alone,
Down, near the banks of Jordan,
When He was seen by John;
Who said, while pointing unto Him,
"Behold the Lamb of God,
Who takes the world's dark sin away,
And bears the awful load."
Again did Jesus walk, when John
With two disciples stood,
Who, looking on Him, said to them,
"Behold the Lamb of God!"
And the disciples, at this word,
Followed where Jesus went;
Who, turning, gently asked of them,
Their purpose and intent.
"Master," they said, "Where dwellest
He answer, "Come and see."
They went, and stayed with Him that day,
In holy converse free.
Now, one of these men was Andrew,
Who, filled with thoughts profound,
And , meeting his brother, Simon,
Said, "We the Christ have found."
And brought him straight to Jesus, who
Said to him, as he came,
"Thou'rt Simon, son of Jonah, now
"Cephas shall be thy name."