And as the multitudes increased,
And thronged about the Lord,
He said : "I other towns must seek,
And in them preach the word."

So He commandment forwith gave
That His disciples go,
And get a ship in readiness,
Across the lake to row.

Then a certain scribe said : "Master,
I'll follow Thee to-day,
By land or water, wheresoe'er
Thou goest or shalt stay."

And Jesus answered : "Foxes can
Run into holes for rest,
And every bird of air can fly
Into a pleasant nest;

"But no place hath the Son of Man
Whereof it can be said :
'That is His home, where He may lay
In peace His weary head.'"

The scribe had nothing more to say;
He, doubtsless, did not care
The fortunes of so poor a man
To follow and to share.

Another said : "Lord, let me go
My father's grave to make."
Said Jesus : "Let the world do that,
Come thou, my portion take."

And now the followers of Christ
Were all aboard the ship,
And He, o'ercome with weariness,
Lay down and fell asleep.

And the disciples, in alarm,
Their Master woke from sleep;
"Lord, we must have thine instant help
Or parish in the deep;"

When He, in calm and gentle voice,
Said :"Wherefore do ye fear,
O ye of little faith and trust.
While I, your Lord, am here?"

Then He arose in dignity,
And spoke His sovereign will,
Commanding both the winds and sea
To hearken and be still.

And instantly all nature's face
A tranquil aspect wears,
Hushed is the tempest, and the sky
Again serene appears.

The men each to the others, said,
In awe and great amaze :
"What kind of man is this, whose word
The fearful storm obeys?"