Sweet picture of my ride, right? 

It's the Easter version of our Holiday-To-Go Vinyl adorning Dot's oh-so-hip Mommy-van! Which we want to give you!

(The vinyl, not the mini-van!  I mean, we're nice, but we're not that nice!)

So.  All you have to do to get one of these lavender bunnies to hop over to your house is vote at Babble (clickhere!)  that we're one of your favorite new Mommy/Crafter blogs, and then leave us a comment that you did it!  

Extra entries if you compliment us a bunch in your comment, 
ok, ok, that's not fair, not gonna happen, but if you feel inclined...

Giveaway closes Thursday at 10pm.  (Not midnight like the last few, we might not stay up that late...)
