Okay all you mama's out there--we have a special treat for you today!! I am drink freak. Well let me clarify that, I am a no-calorie carbonated drink freak and when I came across this end cap at Walmart full of these delightful 2 litres of Sparkling Peach, Blueberry, Pink Lemonade and  Cherry Limeade I about ran over the woman in front of me. They were all no calorie--score number 1 and they were $0.68--yes you read that correctly and that is not a sale price just the good ol regular Walmart price. (This is why I torture myself with this store) So drink freak here buys a few (it could have been 12 or more) to try and then passes the tip on to my mom, sister, sis in laws, friends etc... So yummy especially with sonic ice. And if that alone is not enough we have a mommy mocktail recipe for you that will definitely take our $0.68 walmart special to the next level. (And I am sure for those of you who want something a little stronger than a "mocktail" have at it you won't be disappointed!!) But either way you will most definitely want to hit your favorite Walmart (except those of you in the areas surrounding Parker and Southlands I can't promise that there will be any of the Sparkling Peach left I have filled my food storage with it--wink wink) and add this to your Mother's Day Menu.

1 Bottle of Sparkling Peach Soda
Fresh Mint, minced
Diced Peaches, either fresh or frozen
Ice (I prefer Sonic Ice)

Take the mint and place in the bottom of a glass
Place the peaches in the glass

Muddle (I can't believe I am actually using that word but I don't know what else to say and I have heard it used on Food Network so just go with it) the peaches and mint together and then put ice in glass and pour soda over the top. Stir with a straw and enjoy!!

Linking here: