When it was time to go, He said:
"Arise, let us go hence,"
And they all stood and sung a hymn
Ere they departed thence.
Then out into the shadowed street,
After the close of day,
The Lord and His eleven friends
Walked slowly on their way;
On towards the mount of Olives, where
His custom was to go,
Along the well-known path which crossed
Where Kedron's waters flow.
And still the Master, as His wont
When walking with His friends,
Continued teaching golden truth
The which to glory tends.
He likened Himself to a vine,
While they the branches were;
His Father was the husbandman,
Who of the plant had care;
And charged them that they must bear
And never barren prove;
His Father should be glorified
Through faith that works by love.
And charged them to abide in Him,
And thus much fruit return;
And warned them 'gainst the dreadful
Where barren branches burn.
He then unfolded to their view
The things that should be done,
When He, their Head, should go away,
And they be left alone;
And told them if they asked of God,
In His name, any thing,
Such prayer would quickly rise to heaven,
And joyful answer bring.
Again He spoke to them of love,
And of His blessed peace,
And said, as He had overcome,
So should their warfare cease.