Again the Master's voice arose
In precious converse sweet,
The last and richest lessons,
With wisdom most replete :
"Let not your heart be troubled,
Believe in me, most true,
For in my Father's house I shall
Prepare a place for you.
And on, in soothing accents, flowed
Upon their listening ears
Words which, while they incrased their
Excited still their fears.
For He talked of going from them,
Yet being with them still,
And giving them what they should ask,
If they would do His will;
And said He would pray the Father
The Comforter to send--
The Holy Ghost--who, teaching them,
Would lead them to the end.
And again He said unto them,
As He, at first, had said :
"Let not your heart be troubled,
Nor let it be afraid."