medallion diamond quilt map for Fourteen Stations Patchwork
I think this quilt map will work for the block patterns I am designing? I also went shopping this morning and found some real deals at the Joanne store down the street. I still need to purchase solid colored selections. However, I think these highly patterned cotton fabrics will work nicely into the overall design. 

Above, highly patterned fabrics I will use in the sample quilt based upon the Fourteen Stations of The Cross.

Above, the fabric I decided to back my quilt with.
If any of our readers would like to sew a quilt from my free patterns as I post them, I will link to your blog and record your progress along with my own. I also think that our readers would enjoy seeing more than one interpretation of the design. The pain in my hands prevents me from producing multiple quilts within a short period of time. I should have the first pattern up within the next two weeks.