The animated bauble gifs located on this page are freely contributed to the public by a wide variety of media and news groups on the internet. I simply provide a collection here for my Christmas visitors. You do not need to read my terms of use in order to download and use these tiny animated samples or clip art found on this particular page.

Two dangling brass bells decorate

a Christmas cross

This animated blue and

red bauble spins!

A snowy white atmosphere with a

small church is animated inside

the Christmas bauble.

a flashing bundle of tangled

Christmas lights

a glass spinning bauble

This animated, Christmas ball

is blue with gold trim.

a red Christmas bauble

sways back and forth

tiny animated bells inside

of a blue Christmas bauble

This bauble contains a friendly

snowman and a Christmas angle.

A collections of sparkling baubles

in silver, gold, green and red

These baubles swing

from a red ribbon.

a blue baubles with

animated gold snowflakes

long dangling beaded baubles

from a green ribbon

a cute snowman inside a t

winkling red bauble

a swaying Moravian

star for your tree

a swaying angel ornament

animated for web pages

a tiny twinkle star

for Christmas

This animated Christmas

bauble is decorated with stars.

a very tiny, swinging,

Christmas soldier bauble

a glowing blue bauble

with gold snowflakes

a swinging snowman for

animating your web pages