The animated gifs located on this page are freely contributed to the public by a wide variety of media and news groups on the internet. I simply provide a collection here for my Christmas visitors. You do not need to read my terms of use in order to download and use these tiny animated samples or clip art found on this particular page.

I have also original graphics of Christmas bells from my own collection here.

two ringing bells with holly and a red bow

one swinging brass bell with holly leaves and berries on top

fast moving trio of brass bells on a purple background

a classic, animated, ringing bell with a red ribbon

Three swiftly moving brass bells tied together with a Christmas ribbon

a cartoon jingle bell with holly sprigs

one brass bell dangles from a Christmas garland

two sleigh bells dangle and blink from a holly branch

two, animated, twinkling silver bells

a yellow swinging cartoon bell with red bow

an animated Santa rings his bell saying ho! ho! ho!

two jingle bells ringing with a decorative touch

two, animated, red bells wink

classic Christmas bells ring in the holidays

animated, graphic, green Christmas bells twinkle and sparkle

swinging cartoon bell with a sprig of holly

rotating, ringing bells under a Christmas bouquet

animated bells chime "Merry Christmas"

one silver bell decorated with snowflakes and red ribbon

x-mas is here in a bell with a wreath

three, animated silver bells swaying to-and-fro

sparkle brass bell with holly leaves and decorative Christmas bow

chiming animated bells under a Christmas swag

ringing in the holidays with three, animated brass bells

two little jingle heads shaking themselves silly