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The English often serve a traditional plum pudding for Christmas dessert. |
Left, This Christmas plum pudding is original to my collection. Read my own Terms of Use and agree to these before downloading the illustrations here for your own personal use.
The Value of a Token. The following incident appeared in a New York daily: Bent with age but bright-eyed and alert, James Swift, eighty-four years old, was committed at his own request to the almshouse yesterday by Magistrate Krotel, sitting in Yorkville Court.
The Value of a Token. The following incident appeared in a New York daily: Bent with age but bright-eyed and alert, James Swift, eighty-four years old, was committed at his own request to the almshouse yesterday by Magistrate Krotel, sitting in Yorkville Court.
"I'm goin' to start for California just as soon as I come out of the almshouse," Swift told the magistrate. The old man displayed a silver watch with copper chain, which he said, was a perpetual pass over the Union Pacific Railroad. It had been given him as a token that he was one of the men engaged in the construction of the road, the presentation being made on the occasion of the driving of the last spike in May, 1866. All he had to do, he said, when he wanted to ride over the road was to show the timepiece to the conductor.
In much the same way are the traditions of Christmas like tokens. All we need do is unpack the examples of mirth, good cheer, delight, childhood wonder, and stories of miracles and promises made to us by God and then, suddenly, we pass over the next hard patch in the middle of the road. We wish for you dear visitor, that Christmas becomes a reminder of good things once had and good things yet to come.
Christmas Traditions Around The World: Christmas in Austria, Germany, and Switzerland * Christmas Traditions (general) * Christmas in Australia * Christmas in America * American Swedish Historical Museum * The Silence of Christmas * Christmas wishes. * Biltmore by Candlelight. * Creole Christmas in Natchitoches. * Rediscovering The Beauty of Christmas. * Do We Celebrate? * Giving what you can't wrap. * Rockin' Christmas Eve * The Day After Christmas. * Christmas Stockings In Canada. * Putting "Christ" Back in Christmas * Nativity Plays, Pantomime, Christmas Carols * Christmas in France * British and French Unite as 'Spiritual Allies' to Evangelize France. * Christmas greeting from the U.K. "View from the Tower of London." * The White Envelope * The "Merry Christmas" Evangelist. * Christmas in Greece * Greek Christmas Traditions * Living In Greece, Christmas Holidays * Christmas in Ireland * Give a Bible for Christmas * Christmas in Italy * Traditions of Christmas in Italy * Christmas In Mexico * Christmas in Pueto Rico * Islam and China's Christmas. * Christmas in Russia * Christmas Traditions * Down Memory Lane * Christmas In Scotland * Anglican bishops wear Christian symbols at Christmas * Christmas in Sweden * Celebrate Christmas in Sweden * A Swedish Christmas * Christmas Past * A traditional Christmas in Denmark * Danish Christmas of Old Times * Christmas with Virtual Finland, we love this Christmas site! * Finland Christmas Traditions * A Child's Christmas in Wales * Baa, Humbug! from Wales * The wonder of it all * Welsh Christmas Customs * This Year, Unwrap Christmas * Christmas in Venuzuela - "Feliz Navidad!" * Christmas in Venuzuela from Lutheran Hour Ministries * Christmas in Venuzuela * Christmas in Poland: traditions and superstitions * Christmas in Poland from Christmas Archives * "Wigilia" and "Gwiazdka" in Poland and Polonia * Christmas in New York * Christmas in Denmark * Christmas Tree Survives War, A-Bomb * Christmas Market in Tillinn *