You may have no person in your congregation that is truly qualified to judge artworks. But, this doesn't mean that your church cannot participate in a ministry outreach program for artists. Artists need religious educations, trust in God's grace and they desperately need church folks to reach out and offer sincere friendship to them.
Who then best fulfills the needs of an art review committee? I would suggest three professional types for a review board.
- A pastor on staff at your church. This is your church after all and you need to have represented the beliefs of your congregation present during such decisions.
- A teacher who knows something about art. Hopefully this teacher is enthusiastic about the artworks and loves to see people try new things and also grow in their knowledge about Christianity.
- An artist who is a colleague of the many artists who are producing the show. This person should voluntarily exempt herself from any money awards. This person should be different every year, if possible, so that he or she may be allowed to qualify for a monetary award in another year.
Some other ideas about "who" might serve on a review committee.
- A guest seminary student or professor
- A guest author or speaker
- A local art teacher or gallery owner who is also familiar with Christian artworks
- A guest missionary
- A popular church musician or other artistic professional
Note. It is important to offer a small fee for the review committee member's time and efforts. Make them feel at home with steamy mugs of coffee and a light luncheon. Follow up with a hand-written card thanking them for their time and careful reviews. They should receive the card within a few days of the opening of the exhibit or after one. Always invite them to the opening night festivities personally and by mail as well.