Here we will provide links to "the gift givers" of Christmas. In some countries the traditional "gift givers" are characters from folk legends and traditions remarkably different than that of our American "Santa Claus." But, who so ever brings the gifts to children at Christmas, be he a servant, a woman, an angel, or legendary figure, may he always remember to share with the generous spirit taught to earth's people by Christ.
- St. Nicholas.
- Santa Claus School
- Santa Claus Through The Ages.
- The Real Saint Nicholas
- Discover The Real St. Nicholas
- Santa Claus to be celebrated in his hometown with march for peace
- St. Lucia Day
- The Origins of Kris Kringle or Christkindl
- Croyle Twp. man played Santa Claus for thousands
- Befana's history
- La Befana
- Christmas in April? Santa makes visit to East Naples
- A Real-Life Santa
- Ježíšek brings gifts in the Czech Republic.
- Père Noël is the gift-giver of France
- Julemanden is the gift-bearer in Danish culture.