And Jesus taught them as they walked,
By pointed parable,
That all shall have equal right
Who serve the Master well.
He told them of a man who hired
Some laborers to work,
And promised each a penny, for
The day, from morn to dark.
Again at noon, and later still,
He others idle found,
And sent them into his vineyard
To work upon the ground.
And then again, and just before
The closing of the day,
He hired others who should get
A penny for their pay.
But when the eventide had come,
And the day's work was done,
The men were called, that each might get
Whatever was his own.
The last come were paid first, and each
A pleased expression wore.
But when the first were paid they thought
That they should get still more.
And when a penny each received,
They mumured at the pay,
Which was the same for one hour's work
As for the long, warm day.
The good man answered one of them :
"Friend, I do thee no wrong;
A penny I agreed to give--
That doth to thee belong.
"Take that thine is and go thy way,
I will to this last one
Give just the same as unto thee--
Is it not all my own?
"So shall the last be as the first,
And first as last to view;
For many be the called of God,
And yet, the chosen, few."