Now, as He went forth in the way,
A certain ruler came:
"What shall I do," he frankly asked,
"That I may heaven claim?"
"Why callest thou me good?" the Lord
Enquired in gentle tone.
"There is none good in earth of heaven
But God, and God alone.
"Thou knowest the Commandments;
Keep them in deed and truth,
He answered and said ""Master, I've
Observed them from my youth."
Then Jesus looked at the young man,
And loved him in His heart,
And said: "One thing thou lackest yet,
Thou with thy wealth must part.
"Go sell, and give all to the poor,
And stored in heaven 'twill be,
Then come and cheerfully take up
The cross and follow me."
But the young man was sad at heart,
Unwilling to obey;
His riches he would not give up,
So, grieved, he went away.
And then to His disciples
The Lord said, grave but kind :
"How hardly shall the rich their way
Into God's kingdom find?
"It is easier for a camel
Through a needle's eye to go
Than he who loves his wordly goods
The bliss of heaven should know."